Solo exhibitions:
Moniek Voulon verbindt... at Mondriaanhuis | Artist and curator of the exhibition:
Moniek Voulon verbindt… Showing paintings of Moniek Voulon | Amersfoort 2010
Urban Landscapes at LAKgalerie university | City-scapes, networks and other side-tracks, Leiden 2007
Silent, Business Centre “Parco de Medici”, Rome 2002
Forever Silent Traces at Gallery Monogramma, arte Contemporanea, Rome 2001
Between Stations at BNA, Association of Dutch Architects, NL Amsterdam 2000
Counter-Point | Self, solo in societeit, Art Association Arti et Amicitiae, NL Amsterdam 1997
Industrial Monuments, CLB, Laboratory of Bloodtransfusion, Amsterdam 1996
I desire, therefore I belong at Gallery De Verdieping, NL, Amsterdam 1994
Group exhibitions:
NH Hotel Jan Tabak in Bussum, 14 paintings, okt. 2019 – april 2020
Salon members: Every year, from 1997 till now at Art Association Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam NL
Le Mépris
[Contempt] [3] Amsterdam 2006, curator/artist, part 3 of trilogy. European, New York-based and Japanese artists present a visual dialogue at Mediamatic Groundfloor, Post CS Amsterdam, March / April 2006
News from Home
[The Frontier Confronted], [2] New York, 2004, curator/artist, part 2 of trilogy. Dutch and New York-based artists at White Box’s The Annex, Chelsea in New York, USA, October 2004. [presenting a black cube sculpture with a text citation of L. Wittgenstein placed on all four sides of the cube]
La nuit Américaine
[or] Day for Night, [1] Amsterdam, 2003, curator/artist, [black cube sculpture + text], part 1 of trilogy. Dutch artists present a visual dialogue at Art Association Arti et Amicitiae, June 2003 The Netherlands
Amsterdam, 2002, RUN painting, Association Arti et Amicitiae, [members exhibition] The Netherlands
Gallery Brute
Amsterdam NL 2001, sex, drugs and comedy
Stadtmuseum Jena
Germany, Die Holländische Welle 2000, video animation
Photo Biennale
2000, Gallery Room 3/202, selfportrait, Auckland, New Zealand
Gallery Stadt Munchen
Amsterdam NL 2000, Photo Biennale
Salon at Art Association Arti et Amicitiae
animal love, title work “Refurring to painting”, Amsterdam NL, 2000
LAK Gallery
Leiden, The Netherlands 2000, photograph+text, Turn me loose
New Delhi
India 1999 paintings, CCA, Centre for Contemporary Art, Impact, Dutch Indian art
Laundrette show
1999 Lightbox “Panic International”, Amsterdam
Winston Rooms
Amsterdam NL1999, Art Hotel, Installation The Green Room, 402 text work Any minute now and lightbox “Standby”
Winston Walls
Amsterdam NL1999, Art Hotel, wall painting
Literary Centre Bibli
Rome, IT1999, three paintings refurring to a writer, four exchanges with different artists
Gallery Artkitchen
Amsterdam NL 1999, paintings selfportraits
Facility for Urban Counterculture
Maastricht 1998, paintings Industrial Monuments
Berlin 1998, Die Holländische Welle
multiples, video animation, Gallery Lutz Fiebig
Kunstmesse Düsseldorf 1998
Die Holländische Welle, video animation, Gallery Lutz Fiebig, Berlin
Salon Selfportrait
1998, paintings, Art Association Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam NL
Gallery Artkitchen
1998, Hoorn, The Netherlands, fashion photography
Performance fashion, 1998 Amsterdam NL
Gallery Y-BURG
Amsterdam NL, 1998 Images of Desire, curator Jan van der Ploeg
Art Circuits Projects Intern.
Amsterdam NL1996, Abstraction meets Figuration, Renaissance Hotel
Salon members
1996, Art Association Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam NL
Gallery Oele Amsterdam NL, 1995, The artists eyes
Gallery De Verdieping
Amsterdam NL, 1994, “Shot Tegenshot”, curator Paul Groot
Grants and sponsors:
Fonds Kwadraat, sponsoring new website, 2021
ThuisKopie Fonds
sponsoring voor Le Mépris”, Mediamatic Groundfloor Post CS, Amsterdam
BeamSystems Amsterdam
sponsoring voor Le Mépris”, Mediamatic Groundfloor Post CS, Amsterdam
Grant fromThe Netherland-America Foundation
Wall Street, New York. Grant for “News from Home”,
exhibition at White Box’s The Annex, New York 2004
Mondriaan Foundation
loft in New York 2003 and 2004, support for curating exhibition
“News from Home” at White Box’s The Annex, New York, US 2004
Materiaal Fonds, sponsoring exhibition in New York, US 2004
Prince Bernhard Foundation
The Netherlands, exhibition “La nuit Américaine”,
at Art Association Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam 2003
The Dutch Embassy in Rome
support solo show at Gallery Monogramma, Rome 2001
Prince Bernhard Foundation
Netherlands, solo at Gallery Monogramma, Rome 2001
The Dutch Institute in Rome and Prince Bernhard Foundation Netherlands supporting group show at Literary Centre, Bibli in Rome 1999
1996 Ballotage: kunstenaarslid bij kunstenaarsvereniging Maatschappij Arti et Amicitiae | Amsterdam NL.
1998 Basisbeurs: voor twee jaar, Fonds voor beeldende kunsten, vormgeving en bouwkunst | Amsterdam
NRC Handelsblad
article and photo, 13-4-2006.
Curator “Le Mépris”, Mediamatic Groundfloor Post CS, Amsterdam
De Volkskrant,
article and photo, 6-4-2003.
Curator ‘La nuit Américaine’, Amsterdam
daily magazine, 3-2-2001,
article and photo of solo exhibition Urban Landscapes,
[Paesaggi Urbani] Gallery Monogramma, Rome
Cronica di Roma,
article and photo of solo show Urban Landscapes,
Gallery Monogramma Rome
HP de Tijd,
June 2000,
Winston Rooms, ArtHotel Winston, Amsterdam NL
Kunst RAI ’98 Amsterdam,
groupshow one hour fashion show